Bling Gadgets

Remember the Swarovski crystals that Nicholas gave me as my birthday present?

Heres what happened to the pink ones! ^^!!!

*squeals in joy*

That my friends, was 2 hours worth of painstakingly sticking those 2mm wide crystals on by hand, not to mention having to use a really annoying glue that gets everywhere it doesnt need to! I lost my tweezers, I think they are somewhere in my bushy eyebrows, but Ill find them one day. ^^v

The picture really doesnt do the shinyness much justice but nevermind.
Woot now my Ipod matches my car! (well in colour, not bling)
Stop laughing. I really do have a pink car

What am I going to do with the white crystals you ask.

Probably my Mac? Or phone? Im not sure yet. If I stick them on my mac, its like, hm, I afraid to spoil the lid! But I dont want to have the same mac as everyone else. And I dont wanna go too over the top with the laptop. Ideas anyone? Ima on a tight budget (The Ipod and crystals were BOTH birthday presents so dont say I have so much money that I dont need a tight budget, the camera was my first ever paycheck in my life purchase, that being Jan 07!) I have a freakin laptop to pay off now ok!

I havent received my (mac) laptop yet cos its being shipped from Singapore, waiting for SOMEONE to fly to Perth so they can hand carry it here for me (: Prolly another month or so but Im sure the wait will be worth it!

Anddd......this entry shall abruptly end here =D

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