Funny Greenpeace Advertisement!

As we all know, our planet is extremely precious to us and issues such as climate change and sustainability should be taken seriously, weather you believe in it or not.

I think a large part of our wasting habits as a society is that we are a bunch of very materialistic people. We are always wanting the best image, the best products, the nicest and most convenient things, hence leading to more packaging, more materials being used just to satisfy ourselves in many ways (no dodgy meaning there). The people driving this trend is of course, the designers (be they graphic artists, creative directors, ad agencies product designers) creating these images and products for large companies wanting large profits, and good design generally equates to that. We as designers have a large responsibility in contributing to this issue, because we are the one designing the labels, the ads and the products in todays very consumerist society, and thus influencing people to buy more and throw more out.

I feel that this is very true, and would like to share this amusing advertisement from Greenpeace encouraging us to use energy efficient lightbulbs. I was shown this video during one of my Design In Context lectures at uni, as we were discussing sustainability, ethics and issues to do with this industry and Im sure you will all get a good laugh out of this. ^^ v!

However, please also take in the very important message the video is trying to convey, because, nothing would be funny anymore if the Earth became so hot that our ice caps melted and drown the living daylights out of you. =/ non?

Title of Video : Sunshine

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