Toppling in Japan

I was on msn with my cousin, Calvin, who is studying in Japan. The awkward thing about him being in Japan, is well, hes 1.9m , and we all know that the japanese are short, like asians are anyway (Im talking height here, not... the other kinda short)

So I, being rather lame that night, asked him about like, you know, when he bows... does his back hurt, just outta curiosity. ^^

εΪз яėεи × says:
when ur in japan. then u bow.... does ur back hurt?

Calvin says:

Calvin says:
i dun bow that often k

Calvin says:

εΪз яėεи × says:

εΪз яėεи × says:
but does it feel like cos ur center of gravity so high..... like u almost going to topple over?

Calvin says:
dun laugh at me ok

Calvin says:

Calvin says:

εΪз яėεи × says:

Calvin says:

Alright folks, that my lame night time joke to share, for today.
I SEE MY COUNTER GOING UP BUT NOBODY COMMENTS! I promise I wont eat you up if you comment geebuzzzz. Man you people cant have like, no opinion right? People always have something to say, its human nature to talk and talk... and talk.... so yeh. YEH!

1 people commented:

calvin said...

Yes, let me have the honour of commenting here ^^
Your drawing made me looked like a swaying coconut tree ler =.=
Anyway, I will answer your question in due time ;)