LOL - Lame Out Loud

εΪз яėεи × says:

Andy N says:
are u just sayin lol cos u duno what else to say?

εΪз яėεи × says:
yes and

Andy N says:
cos i dun see how its funny

εΪз яėεи × says:
when i say 'lol' on msn, it doesnt mean im laughing, it actually means anything but laughing

εΪз яėεи × says:
its got deep meaning in those 3 letters

Andy N says:
and the deep meaning is?

εΪз яėεи × says:
something deep

Andy N says:

4 people commented:

Anonymous said...

You made that part of our convo sound like we were the asian beavis and butthead lol

Reeny said...

beavis and butthead? whats that?

Anonymous said...

LOLs! Did she suck too many dicks or something? =x. pardon me for my crude language. hahas.

Reeny said...

ew hahahhaha no. dono la i googled the image hehehehe