Note : This entry not to attack religion. More attacking somebodys screwed up morals and lack of sense in general. But just my opinion, the following story seems to be a common trend amongst christians? Maybe Im just real unlucky to meet all the bad eggs. *shrug*
One of my biggest pet peeves is that I really dislike people who contradict themselves. I just fell like smacking them really really hard over the back of the head just like how Gibbs does in NCIS. But anyway, carrying on...
You could say I kinda cooked up a little feud on Facebook with a guy who previously worked with me at Subway.
You can say hes pretty damn proud of being a Christian. (Its ALL OVER HIS FACEBOOK STATUSES)
You can also say that he......... needs to learn how to lie better.
You see, this guy, background info 101 (This is how the story alledgedly goes. I sound like a police now...) :
He was working one night and his friends came in for food. He made up about 4 or 5 subs and gave it to them free. To cut the long story short, there was no transaction record when asked and checked like 30 seconds later (like its real obvious there was no transaction for nearly $50 worth of food) and he right now still to this day believes that he was right to give away free food cos 'giving freebies is not stealing and its to people in need'
Yeah well thats all great if you actually forked out some of your own money to pay for the gifts!
You see, this guy, background info 101 (This is how the story alledgedly goes. I sound like a police now...) :
He was working one night and his friends came in for food. He made up about 4 or 5 subs and gave it to them free. To cut the long story short, there was no transaction record when asked and checked like 30 seconds later (like its real obvious there was no transaction for nearly $50 worth of food) and he right now still to this day believes that he was right to give away free food cos 'giving freebies is not stealing and its to people in need'
He gets questioned by the boss, and in his angry fit (cos he was caught?) stormed out saying he quit and blah blah blah hes right blah blah blah.
Yeah well thats all great if you actually forked out some of your own money to pay for the gifts!
So today, I happened to see his facebook status...
OH~! yeh well I agree that giving gifts to people in need isnt stealing. Oh Bob (lets call him Bob) you are SO NOBLE! HOW I ASPIRE TO BE LIKE YOU! *bows and vomits on Bobs feet*
Just the first few comments from other people.
Then I started my game...
See the =_= in my first comment? Yeah Im hinting a lil sarcasm. I dont think he got it.
Ok given that he stole to give to those in need - somewhat kind. I can see that side of the story. Ok I understand.
So as you could see above, we were discussing the incident, he seems to know what Im talking about.
and then...
and then...
So anyway, I just finished off with a nice gentle comment reminding him that he wouldnt want his nice christian image tarnished on facebook for everyone to see would he?
He then proceeds to tell me that he never gave away freebies, and I have no proof. Yeh ok even If i had no proof and he didnt do anything wrong,.... that would be like, end of conversation.
So in the midst of trying to tell me hes innocent and has never stolen, he then ADMITS TO ME AND ALL HIS NICE CHRISTIAN FRIENDS that he took food for himself. HIMSELF.
Isnt that even lower than stealing food for others?!
He pretty much just admitted to his entire Facebook that he stole for HIMSELF.
I rest my case.
This guy cant get any stupider can he?
Well you thought wrong.
He then tries to come one full circle back at me and comments on MY Facebook status.
He tries to fire back saying that its still illegal because I am breaching copyright laws.
Yeh well I didnt. You know that little blurb that appears before a movie starts saying how unauthorised distribution and mass viewing is illegal and only private viewing is allowed?
Yeh that. It states that as long as it is viewed privately and not at large events, its is ok. Nothing about ripping to a laptop.
Hence, I win, once again.
You could say Im a bad girl myself for blogging this. I try to be a good girl, but at least I dont preach others. and blatantly contradict myself.
Have you had an experience like this before?
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