What can I say =)
I just recently downloaded the latest version of Macs flagship internet browser and I am pretty happy to say the least!
The moment I opened up the browser for the first time, it greeted me with a nice little fanfare and welcome message (see first 2 pics of this post, or go to http://www.apple.com/safari/welcome , to watch it =P) Not a useful thing per se, but it was a nice start lol.
After the welcome message flashed, it brought me to this new feature 'Top Sites' where by my most frequently visited sites are laid out in a thumbnail pattern. As you can see, Facebook = ichiban =D! (and the rest in no particular order)
You can view it in large, medium or small thumbnail sizes...
Look Irene! your blog is on my top visited list! lol.
You can view your top favs in CoverFlow view, oh, and your history too. clicking the coverflow thumbnail will open up whatever that page was.
And the most important thing about web browsing?
Safari 4 is damn plucking fast. Blogs with heavy graphics such as xiaxue.blogspot.com, take say, 10 or so seconds to load? maybe more.
Safari 4 does it in half that time. Lighter sites - instantaneously.
I am one happy internet user! =D
Theres smart address bar (predicts and suggests websites as you type, pretty accurate! and as usual, damn fast) and tabbed browsing that you can arrange and manipulate however...
Of course, not all the things here are the new changes, theres like 150 all up but most are just tiny things here and there. Either way, Safari 4, Im in love with you <3
On a PC? no prob - safari is available for PC users too so we all can share the joy ^^ Go to apple.com to dl :)
So what are you waiting for?
2 people commented:
haiz. my blog did not show up? haha.. now professional? writing software review.. haha.. still prefer firefox.. it roar... free thingy also
i supose all browsers have their pros, but safari works with my trackpad for navigating between webpages so that why i like it, i can jsut swipe the trackpad left n right to go back n forwards.
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