Yeah, sorry to be so blatantly rude. but its the f*cking truth. Only when you are in a art students shoes do you see how f*cking ignorant, dumb, and shallow humanity is/can be. Actually, why am I apologising when Im the one being devalued here? I take back my apology.
For those who attend a university or tertiary institution, well, you know, theres this inside silent somewhat joke/no joke-ish conflict on which faculty is the smartest/most hardworking/needed in society/joke of society.
It is also, no secret that I have an strong dislike for law/medicine/engineering students. Infact.. any student that isnt in the Humanities and Psychology streams. Yeh great, I just made a ton load of new enemies after stating that. But meh. Ima beetch today. =D
Why do I have this dislike for LME students? (LME = LAW MED ENGINEERING), you ask?
Is it because they are smarter? more capable? Cos they can do whiz differentiation and concoct a deadly bomb in a flick of their fingers?
It is well known that engineering students (mostly) make inside jokes that art students are going to come out having nothing to contribute to society, having a totally useless degree in hand. I mean, pfft... who needs to know about the poetic-ness of shakespeare.. or how this perfect 2m diameter red glittery circle drawn on white canvas, brings us joy.(or so they assume thats what we do)
Well, to make this war equal for us, and becasuse art students always NICELY cop the LME shit, we art students actually have a inside joke about you engineers. We are just really good at keeping inside jokes... INSIDE, hence why you dont hear of them. Anyhoos, getting on.... I thought i was the only one thinking that engineers were like this, but really, the large majority of humanity fellowmates say the same. You know what it is?
We reckon that engineers totally lack social and life skills. Great doing maths/science, shit at doing basic things in real life.
Like you know, time management at work, work atittude, socialiing skills etc. No pointing fingers here. But we have come to the consensus that engineering students think that x to the power of y will solve everything and hence they are almighty. As long as you can do x to the power of y, life is dandy.
Almighty my big ass.
I think actually, law students so far, in my experience, are fine, but then again, perhaps I havent met enough law students.
Medical students are still part of this guilty trio of having their heads in the clouds, not all but ya know, memorising every single part of the human body and its intricate workings. although its a mean feat, well, seriously, if I had a awesome memory, I can do that too. Great, cos memorising alot of long big words is really intelligent. REALLY INTELLIGENT. so that means the more I can memorise, the smarter I am?
Peopl say art degrees shouldnt exist in universitys, cos they are 'easy' and totally are a joke to the other students studying their ass off in other 'harder subjects'
I however, totally believe that art degrees should damn well bloody stay because if anything.
I have so many reasons and so much to say in this tirade, I'll continue some other day.
(I know there are some really nice LME students out there, but too bad for you, the rest of the sorry fellows in your professions make you look damn idiot. You go kick their ass good)
Im tired, and, it is 1am in the morning and I am absolutely knackered from work. But before I end this rather angry entry, heres something Im rather proud of that will make you smile.
My photography assignment photos! *dances in joy waving pom poms*
Brooke was my awesome model for this so thank you thank you Brooke! =D it is a characterisation, so we went for the sickly sweet lazybum secretary look! Ya know, wont do her work, and just sit around snacking on marshmallows the entire day...
It was damn hell heaps of fun! 2 hours of sweaty posing, picture taking, light adustments pose adjustments (Modeling is actually really exhausting! Even though I didnt model, but demonstrating poses and ideas and getting all the details right was such a long process!) But the final results were so worth it! =D Brooke was such a sweet tooth, the hungry model kept eating my marshmallow props!
Its this kinda tireless attention to minute details that creates those perfect glossy magazines you buy at the newsstands. Be appreciative of the effort we go to to make it look effortless. Anyhoos, pics are below... enjoy!
Tools : Canon 400D DSLR, Adobe Photoshop CS3
Venue : Curtin University Studios.
3 people commented:
A few things..
first i plead guilty to your engineer stereotype. I can easily solve a Laplace transform, but give me an egg to cook, i'm stuffed.
and onto them photos, did you intend the shadows to be there? coz i don't see the point of the shadows and they doesn't do the photos much good. :)
and there's my 2 and half cents
hahaha, ok andu, im so teaching you how to cook an egg this coming holidays. rofl XD
and um the shadows... some yes and some no, mostly no :) ok i was fiddling with the lights and er. .. yeh :P
theres my 3.5 cents of a reply. =D
if we team up, we can make 6cents~! we will be rich~!
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