The S Word

Im in a pretty like, pondering 'hmmm' mood, if thats the word to use.

But to start this entry off on a positive note, REENA GOT STRAIGHT DISTINCTIONS FOR HER FIRST SEMESTER OF UNI!!!!!!!!!!

Im so bloody talented I tell ya.

So anyway, moving on.


Coming from an asian background, I was taught, (well ok not taught, 'sif my mum has the balls to talk to me about this, but we asians learn eventually!) that virginity, sex, and all related fun fun, was a very intimate thing, and was like.. the Holy Grail of life, which was to be treasured and so precious that you would only share it with the 'Chosen One' (wah sounds so LOTR!)

Hence I grew up knowing only this way and no other way when it came to sex. Premarital sex was NEVER an option in life. Grounded from the very beginning, I of course, never had any sexual urges because I thought thats the way it is, you dont explore sexually till one is married, if you get what I mean.

To put it into an analogy, its like a baby being fed bland baby food. It has never eaten the flavoursome spices, salts and aromatic meals that we grown people have, and thus the tastebuds are not used to strong flavours, hence to the baby, 'bland baby food' is anything but bland. And it will only be able to experience the joys of salts sugars and spices when it has grown up and is able to fully appreciate the wonders of spicy, sweet, sours and bitters.

It is not to say that the baby will never eat flavoured food, it will eventually.

So, having been drilled that thats how life works, It never crossed my mind about how it is like, for others who do not share the same attitude, and living in Australia this is how it is. I honestly believed that where my friends were concerned, we were all innocent lol.

Pardon my naivety.

However, I am not implying that Asians all think like me. Our generation of asians are getting equally experimental these days too.

Amongst I and my circle of friends, there are of course ones who have gone first base, second base and some all the way till 'home base'.

And then, it got me thinking about this whole sex issue as a whole, and wow I never thought about it (cos it never crossed my mind) till now, when I go out with my female friends, and we have our little girly chats and then so and so fesses up that she gave her boyfriend some head. and I get hell surprised - YOU WERE DARING ENOUGH TO GIVE SOME ORAL?!

Like, Im prolly like massively naive in everyones eyes now, but shut up. This is my blog I want to talk!

Firstly, ORAL.

Girls generally cannot stand it when anyone (guys or girls) forgets to flush the toilet after doing a wee wee. You hobble into the lavatory and (DONT TELL ME YOU NEVER LOOK INTO THE BOWL) and see a stenchy pungent yellow liquid instead of the flower-fragranced toilet bowl liquid you were expecting (or clean clear H20)

If you can barely stand the smell, or the very fact that the last person forgot to flush the loo, so why are you putting your mouth on the very organ where the offending yellow liquid called urine, is discharged from? (if you dont mind people not flushing your loo, then you are just plain wierd, disgusting, and I am never talking to you again! hahaha)

Yeah I know the guy generally takes a shower before oral or any kinda sex BUT NOT EVERYTIME RIGHT?! Its just not convenient in a car/parkbench/staircase well/workplace cubicle.

People are very wierd. But heck, its sexual gratification. which for now, I dont understand.

Im sorry, I cannot see myself sucking on a penis. sausages were invented for a reason PERIOD.

Perhaps its because Ive never had a boyfriend before, and so Ive never gotten close enough to feel the love (and feelings associated with love), to garner the urge and natural instincts to sexually gratify myself. So do excuse me for not understanding how amazing your wonderful love lives are.

While me are on sexual gratification, I AM NOT A *&^%$# PRUDE.
I really dislike it when people think I am all tight arsed (pun not intended) and then go 'nah you wont wanna know about I dont think you'll like to read /hear bout it

AND THEY ARE TRYING TO BE SOMEWHAT NICE! but why do people think that just because one does not engage in sexual activity by a certain age, that they are prolly hell traditional and refuse to even talk about sex? I think its alright to talk about it etc! As long as you dont become a total sex maniac and bring it up in every single effing conversation where it has no link!

No, I am not a total traditionalist. Neither are many virgins, and asians.

It is a common misconception that asians are hell small minded and inocent and yadda yadda yadda.

Yeh you are right.

........... probably like 50 or so years ago.

This is not to say that asians are not the horniest bitches and bastards now. The vast majority still prefer to keep their virginity till marriage, and of course there will be those who have lost it somewhere in the concrete jungle. People sterotype and assume, and I admit this blog entry sterotypes and assumes that caucasians are loose and dont really value such an intimate act, when of course, there will be ones who dont think that way either.

I really am not out to judge anyone if they have had sex or not and I dont have the right to impose my attitudes onto others, and neither should I be pressured into thinking that I am wierd or plain stupid to not try anything out myself. I don't understand many things in life, and I cant all the time.

I can see why people have premarital sexual activity, and thats perfectly ok if you are comfortable with that. :D Hell no Im not going to stop you or lecture you on why one should abstain hahahaha lol! wtf are you nuts?!

Just don't make fun of others and make the rest feel bad about not doing what you do. You wouldn't want us to say you are 'dirty/whore/no values person' (even though you aren't), do you?

Growing up for the later teenage/young adult years of my life in a more liberal country has opened my eyes to alot of interesting things. Things that challenge your way of thinking, things that start to influence you in many different wierd and wonderful ways rararara.

So yeah. thats my little essay. I wasnt meaning for it to get so serious! I jsut read it over before publishing and I was like hmm. sounds so formal towards the end! hahaha ok just pretend its not in formal language and try to read it as if Im ranting to you in a happy girly voice. :D

Too much uni mans, even my blog is turning into one massive essay =_=

aaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnndddddddd..............................that rant shall abruptly end here and the topic will change. :D

*long silent pause*

Work at subway is going good! We recently had this massively funny HILARIOUS awkward situation between one of the workers and my boss, ON FACEBOOK! OH mans I have to share it with you all it is CLASSIC WORKPLACE POLITICS AT ITS BEST!

next entry bah!

its freakin 5am. The things I get up to at night =_= I have sexytime with my computer judging from the time stamps on all my blog entries these days! and oh my the pimples are coming back argh!!!!!

in the words or Ernest Lee : Goonai!


1 people commented:

Anonymous said...

u got into sum pretty detailed stuff lol go reena!

encourage open minds yay ^^